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Book Review 1

Page history last edited by caloy 16 years, 6 months ago



Whatever Happened to Business Ethics?


    People want to know why is ethics in such a terrible state? There are inevitably companies today that are engaging in unethical deeds, making people confused and they don’t know whom to trust. The problems also aren’t limited to the business world, but with other fields such as plagiarism in sports competitions and other grounds.

    Why is this happening? There are many possible reactions to that question, but here are some reasons:


    One example is that we do what’s most convenient. This can be defined as an unpleasant decision relating to a moral practice. For example what should I do when a sales clerk gives me too much change? Should I tell a convenient lie to cover a mistake?


    As human beings, we seem to be prone to failing personal ethics tests. Why do we do something even when we know it’s wrong? Do we cheat because we think we won’t get caught? These are just some things that we sometimes forget to ask ourselves?


    Next is that we do what we must to win. Many people hates losing. But if we believe that we must win by doing whatever it takes, even if it’s unethical, then we are faced with a moral problem.


    “A state to prosper must be built on foundations of a moral character, and this character is the principal element of its strength, and the only guarantee of its permanence and prosperity” – Jabez L M. Curry, U.S. representative


    This can also be applied to a business, a family, or an endeavor you wish to achieve. But for me, foundation cannot be built by the organization as a whole. It must be built beginning with each individual to achieve prosperity in a state.


Why This Rule Is Golden?


    You will be able to govern all your ethical decision-making. It’s based on the Golden Rule, because it is a one rule for everyone. It cuts across cultural and religious boundaries and is embraced by people from nearly every part of the world. It’s the closest thing to a universal guideline for ethics a person can find. Most people also accept the Golden Rule; this is because everyone must be of the same ground with others for them to be treated well.


    “Men must be honest with themselves before they can be honest with others. A man who is not honest with himself presents a hopeless case.” – William J. H. Boetcker, German-born industrial relations lecturer


This simply means that we must be true to ourselves first to be true to others, so we can have direction. This gives us a solid and predictable course in life.


The Golden Rule Begins With You


    The golden rules begin with us by valuing others and ourselves. Valuing others not for what they can do but because they are human beings, is the foundation of the Golden Rule. This can help the self-esteem of others and you can develop your skill in making other people feel important, and you will also gain higher gain of compliment for helping them.


“The respect of those you respect is worth more than the applause of the multitude.” – Arnold Glasow


Most people aspire for the respect of others, this can help them to know that they are valued and trusted.

Reference: There’s No Such Thing As “BUSINESS ETHICS” There’s Only ONE RULE For Making Decisions. Author: John C. Maxwell




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